History of American Nutrition


This blog hopes to offer insight into American nutrition and the role health organizations have played in our perception of healthy eating and overall health.


Here are some links that I found especially useful when researching my topic.

http://www.beyondveg.com - This site provides a wealth of information about evolutionary diet which is important when considering optimal diet. It has some very compelling evidence and goes a long way in debunking the so called health benefits of vegetarian diets. I haven't come across an article on this website that is not supported by quality evidence.

http://dinakhader.blogs.com/ - This is a great blog about eating right and advances in nutrition research. There is a guide for college students on how to eat right and even a post about the gap in nutrition between Great Britain and the United States. I highly suggest reading this blog.

http://www.thincs.org/ - Cholesterol levels are the basis of the diet established by the Department of Agriculture. This site offers some insight into the cholesterol-heart disease myth established in the mid 1900s. It is important to know the science behind the food we eat. Understanding cholesterol.

http://health.howstuffworks.com/fat-cell2.htm - An unbiased source that details how the body stores fat and which hormones are responsible for it. I love hostuffworks.com and was happy to find an article that I could apply to my blog.

http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/21/gary-taubes-on-the-latest-diet-study/ - An article with an interview of my favorite nutritionist Gary Taubes. If you haven't heard of him yet, you will in my next couple of posts. He is a pretty amazing nutritionists, at least in my opinion. I have read his book "Good Calories, Bad Calories" and found the evidence presented in his book quite compelling.

Update: I added a little more detail to my descriptions.


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