History of American Nutrition


This blog hopes to offer insight into American nutrition and the role health organizations have played in our perception of healthy eating and overall health.

Great Blogs

All Quiet on the Western Blunt - A convincing blog that offers a great amount of information regarding the legalization of marijuana. I highly recommend this blog to people on both sides of the issue. I thought the author's style of writing was appropriate for the subject and enjoyed his weekly posts. More importantly I learned a lot about the subject and did not feel that the posts were hard to read.

Federal Government Relations with Native Americans - This is a topic I knew pretty much nothing about. While I don't agree with all of the posts, I do agree that its a good idea to address the needs of certain Native American populations. The blog brings to light some very interesting topics regarding Native Americans, ranging from government relations to history.

iGreen - I like reading about environmental issues and this blog certainly delivers. It offers a lot of good information about global warming and what needs to be done to fix it. I like the way that the author is able to relate it back to his own life.