New Food Plan
I just realized that I've neglected to suggest a plan for American eating that would be more beneficial than the Food Pyramid. I've spent most of my time complaining about what is wrong without clearly defining what should be changed. For my plan, I am going to do away with the Pyramid. It would be impossible for me to rank one food as more important than the other.
Without further a due, here is my plan:
Is the Department of Agriculture Evil?
I found out something new today. The Department of Agriculture spends the highest percentage of their budget on nutrition programs including the National School Lunch Program and the Food Stamps Program. At first glance I had blamed the poor quality of the Food Pyramid on lobbyists, however I have come to realize that this is not entirely true. The United States Department of Agriculture is not evil. After reading an interview by frontline, I believe that the department had good intentions but failed to implement a scientifically sound program that was healthy for Americans. The first food pyramid developed in 1991 was based off of already outdated science and the new My Pyramid is not much better. I have realized though that I needed to take into account that this organization is a political entity that has to deal with more factors than I can comprehend. They have to deal with lobbyists, politicians, scientists, environmentalists and many more -ists who are all trying to work their opinions into the final product. Because of this, the food pyramid is more like a compromise between all of these different entities. Unfortunately a compromise like this has caused Americans to model their diet off of a give-and-take symbol of Nutrition. This has also led me to believe that nutrition should be something settled between nutritionists and people. This would cut out the ridiculous amount of input contributed by companies like the Potato Board whose best interest is making potato farmers money.
Great Blogs
All Quiet on the Western Blunt - A convincing blog that offers a great amount of information regarding the legalization of marijuana. I highly recommend this blog to people on both sides of the issue. I thought the author's style of writing was appropriate for the subject and enjoyed his weekly posts. More importantly I learned a lot about the subject and did not feel that the posts were hard to read.
Cholesterol-Heart Hypothesis
The Cholesterol-Heart Hypothesis in a nut shell is the idea that when we eat saturated fats and cholesterol, the cholesterol enters our blood stream and attaches to the sides of our arteries and slowly giving us atherosclerosis and heart disease. Foods that are laden with cholesterol include red meats, eggs, cake, ice cream, and macaroni and cheese. This makes sense right? You eat heavy cholesterol laden foods and your blood serum levels go up.
A guy name Ansel Keyes in the 1960s and 1970s was able to convince a large portion of the United States that this was true. He did this by going from country to country and looking at their diets versus the frequency of heart disease. His reports show a direct correlation between heart disease and consumption of saturated fats. For a visual representation of his findings, please refer to the above video. Unfortunately to get the perfect graph that he boasted, he had to omit certain countries including the United Kingdom, Norway, and Holland that eat high amounts of saturated fat but somehow avoid the high levels of heart disease that countries like the United States, Canada, and Australia are plagued with. Whats a shame is that Ansel Keyes research has spurred the United States to shun saturated fat when in truth it should be embraced.
Saturated fat is not the devil. Here is a link that chronicles an exceptional amount of research from various institutions that completely destroys the cholesterol-heart hypothesis. My favorite was a study performed by the University of Connecticut over a 12 week time span. Overweight men and overweight women were placed on either a low carb or a low fat diet. In the end, those on a low carb diet lowered their total cholesterol and triglyceride levels more than those on the low fat diet. Many other studies have proven that the link between heart disease and cholesterol is bunk. Unfortunately, the United States still needs to catch up on their readings.
Disease and rising health care costs are in America's future if the way we eat does not change. I have no doubt that the rate of heart disease, obesity, and diabetes will rise at an alarming rate if some action is not taken to inform Americans about the perils of the Standard American Diet. Some would say that Americans are already well informed but continue to eat unhealthily out of choice. This is simply not the case. Government tools like the Food Pyramid and My Pyramid have had a profound impact on the way Americans eat. Unfortunately they are currently working to make America unhealthy. If measures are taken to create a scientifically based nutritional plan for Americans it would do wonders for the general health of the country. High blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and cholesterol levels could be obliterated depending on our country's reception of the plan. Obesity in America places a nearly $117 dollar estimated burden on the public. Any modest reduction in obesity would help lessen this insane amount. Nutritionists have begun seeing increased rates of type 2 diabetes in children lately. Type 2 diabetes is also known as "adult-onset" diabetes and the main way to get it is through terrible nutrition; children should not be getting it. In the future this will be a horrible drain on the economy and the health care system. Also, the children will grow up and require life long treatment. If the lives of a handful of children were saved from this fate then my plan would be worth it.
Self Analysis
Its time for me to take a critical look at the progress made on my blog. I have to say that from the beginning of this project I have found myself against nearly all conventional nutritional wisdom. This might be because of the struggle with weight I had in middle school and high school. Several years back I was overweight and in about a year and a half I lost somewhere around 50 lbs. In my quest to lose weight I tried many different diets ranging from caloric restriction with incredibly low fat to eating 6 times a day with moderate intake of all nutrients. I can say from experience that restricting calories sucks. I craved food all of the time and my weight would shift dramatically throughout the week. Overall I lost weight, but my metabolism slowed down to a snail’s pace. This is the way the American Medical Association wants you to eat. No fat, tons of carbohydrates, and minimal protein. It is completely imbalanced. What I tried next was eating 6 times a day. The foods I ate were varied and I got a healthy amount of protein, fat, and carbs. My metabolism shot through the roof and at one point I felt as if I couldn’t stop losing weight no matter how much I ate. This experiment led me to the conclusion that maybe fat isn’t the devil. In high school I began reading all sorts of information about health and eating. Nothing substantial that I read came to the conclusion that people should be following the food pyramid; If anything, following the food pyramid would make people fat. The only documents that supported it were sketchy warnings that fad diets were dangerous and posed long term health problems. However, these documents never had any real evidence to prove their case (except against vegetarian, vegan, raw food, and fruititarian diets which have a substantial amount of evidence showing that they are unhealthy). I can definitely see how I could be a little biased in my approach to this subject. The food pyramid never worked to keep me healthy and I do not have any reason to believe that it works for anyone. However, I do not think that I have been unfair in any of my posts. If there is anything in my blog that doesn’t sit well with anyone please do not hesitate to ask questions.
My theory based on the empirical evidence over the past 2 centuries presented by Gary Taubes and the basic theory of evolutionary diet is that people are currently taking a backwards approach to nutrition. Major fault lies in organizations like the Department of Agriculture and the American Medical Association for disseminating bad science like the cholesterol-heart hypothesis and the food pyramid as common knowledge and labeling Banting style diets as unhealthy fads. Through the spread of inaccurate assumptions, Americans have been lead to believe that people are obese because they eat too much, ignoring the human body's ability to regulate body fat that 10,000 years of evolution has developed. To solve the obesity epidemic, the American diet needs to change. As I will discuss in a later post, the evidence with which the current American diet is based off of is fundamentally wrong. If anything, the food pyramid is more similar to an unhealthy fad than the Banting diet. In order for America to see a decrease in obesity, first and foremost, accurate information needs to be spread. This includes preventative measures taken by doctors to ensure their patients know the implications of eating unhealthily and how to eat more sensibly. Second of all, since people acquire their eating habits as children, primary school lunches should not include anything unhealthy. Its obvious that given the choice, most little kids will eat chicken nuggets over a serving of vegetables and meat. Taking away the unhealthy option is the only way to teach kids how to eat responsibly. Lastly, The Department of Agriculture should remove its food pyramid. It is wrong for a non health organization whose sole purpose is to regulate the production and sale of food to tell Americans what they should be eating. Nutritional guidelines should be established by a more responsible organization whose revenue is not based off of citizen's consumption habits.
These three recommendations are hopefully a step in the right direction because they identify how to fix the problem and how to stop it at its source. If they were implemented they would help halt the obesity epidemic.
History Part 2
This is where the research of one of my favorite nutritionists, Gary Taubes, comes into play. Gary Taubes wrote the book Good Calories, Bad Calories, which in my opinion is one of the best popular works that focuses on presenting the evidence for and against the recommended American diet. Its a compelling book that gave me the idea for this blog because a good section of the book is devoted to the development of nutrition from the mid 1800s onwards.
Here are some links that I found especially useful when researching my topic.
A Lesson in History: Part 1
To cultivate a better understanding of American Nutrition I am going start out by giving a brief history of our diet beginning in the 19th century. The early 1800s were a time of frontiersmen, merchants, and farmers. Industrialization had yet to occur on a large scale and fast food was a foreign term (1). On the frontier people only had access to indigenous plants and animals, however they stocked supplies including flour, beans, and sugar at regular intervals. They would eat on average three meals a day comprised of foods like corn bread, hot cakes, boiled eggs, sausage, stew and calves' head (2). Farmers and merchants had access to a greater variety of foods including larger quantities of fruits and vegetables and a significantly larger amount of animal products as compared to the frontiersmen. According to Alex Soyer's "Modern Housewife" a farmer or merchant's diet in the 1800s would consist of coffee, butter, eggs, meat, bread, soup, and cheese. The 1850s brought the California gold rush and a plethora of new recipes to America influenced by the Chinese, Spanish, and Mexican immigrants. Westerners dined at cheap eateries and ate similar to the farmers and merchants back east. The mid to late 1800s also are responsible for the advent of soft drinks and cereal. In 1865 C.W. Post developed his first cereal called Postum (3), Coca-Cola was invented by Dr. John S. Pemberton in 1886, and in 1898 Pepsi-Cola was invented by Caleb Bradham (4).
American Nutritional Analysis
Cholesterol information:
The Food Pyramid:
Evolution and Nutrition:
American Nutrition needs an Overhaul:
How do Americans Eat?
The average american consumes 3770 calories a day, nearly 1000 calories over the global average. In addition to our astounding caloric intake, Americans also take in 4500 mg of sodium a day and 142 pounds of sugar every year. this link provides a visual representation of how Americans are eating compared to the rest of the world. Looking at the pictures, healthy portions of vegetables can be seen at nearly all of the countries' tables. However, the Americans table is filled with Lays potato chips, pizza, and burger king. From this picture it is easy to see how one third of American children and between 20 percent and 30 percent of adult Americans are considered obese. It does not take a stretch of the imagination to realize that eating junk food can be detrimental to overall health. Obesity is associated with multiple diseases including type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, and osteoarthritis. As obesity rates continue to rise, so will the rates of these medical maladies. It is clear that our current eating trends cannot support a healthy population. Recognizing the problem is the first step to coming up with a solution. What comes next is identifying where the problem began.
Human Diet
For the majority of humanity's time here on Earth, people have had an eclectic diet. Archaeological evidence as well as the eating patterns of modern day hunter gatherers and chimpanzees provide ample proof that people most likely ate anything they could digest including any land animals, fish, leaves, fruit, honey, mushrooms, birds, nuts, and seeds; in other words, anything they could get their hands on. In the last 12,000 years, people began drastically changing their eating habits by adding grains, soy beans, peanuts, and other foods that require processing into their diets. Not until recently have these foods become a staple of the American diet. The early 1900s brought about the large scale production of cereals, sweets, and breads that have become a large portion of the American diet. Further advances in food science and agriculture have made unhealthy foods such as peanuts, soybeans, and homogenized and pasteurized milk readily available. Because of this, the food industry has had a heavy hand in American government organizations that tell citizens how they should eat in order to stay healthy. For example, the food pyramid developed by the United States Department of Agriculture has followed American trends in food production and now suggests that the majority of calories consumed should come from grains and that the consumption of meat and fats should be kept to a bare minimum. This is contrary to human evolution and detrimental to human health which will be discussed in detail during a later post. To better understand why Americans eat like they do, the flaws in the way we eat, and what should be done, I will discuss in this blog how the American diet has changed over time and how the United States Department of Agriculture's "recommended" diet was developed and how it is adding to the dietary troubles we already face.
About Me
I am a student at a major research university that, through this blog, will discuss the History of American Nutrition as well as major organizations effects on the American perception of a healthy diet. I hope that my writing will give people an idea of why we eat what we eat and the not always positive effects of groups like the American Medical Association.